Safe Software
What is safe software?
Software is safe if it is correct, bug-free, and exclusively fulfills its intended purpose. Consequently, an arbitrary user can assume it is safe to use for a fitting task.1 Its proper execution does not create unexpected results.
Such a piece of software does not perform tasks that lie outside of its scope. For example, a simple calculator application does not use your webcam to take photos. Likewise, a website does not track a user’s behavior without explicitly notifying them about the mechanism. It generally does not act maliciously or explicitly contrary to a user’s interests. Viruses or spyware are examples of such behavior from a victim’s point of view.
But how does a user know whether an application is actually safe to use?
Verification Above All
The Current State
Most software comes either pre-compiled or runs on some servers in the cloud. Aside from the presented user interface, it is invisible to most users how an application works.
If users input their data into a typical social media application, they do not know how the data is transformed, where it is stored, who has access to it, or what will happen to it in the future. In truth, not even the developers know for sure if the application running in the cloud was possibly modified by the cloud provider.
The developers of an application or an auditor might disclose answers to those questions in reports, FAQs, privacy statements, or the terms of use. However, this requires that a user trusts the word of a ‘random’ person on the internet. This is generally not a good idea, even if the information is provided by a reputable company or institution. Nothing actually prevents them from lying.
As in the real world, verification is better than trust. Thus, if a user wants to ensure that an application does not act maliciously, they have to be able to verify that.
Openness Required
The concept of Witnessable Applications is based on the principle of verifiability. For an application to be witnessable, a user must be able to verify it from top to bottom. This includes everything from the source code and the stored data to the runtime and execution. Therefore, such an application must be open source, must hold all of its data either publicly or visible to the respective user, and the code must be executed in public or on a user’s local machine in a way for them to inspect the execution.
These properties allow users to validate that their inputs will have the intended effects by, for example, simulating or dry-running the program execution beforehand using productive data. Furthermore, this requires applications to always act predictably and to incorporate general reproducibility. Users can then always recreate the application from the verifiable source code and its stored state. Given the same input values and application state, an app will always return the same results.2
Only a Witnessable App has the chance of being a safe application.
However, it neither guarantees nor directly demands that an application is correct or does not behave maliciously. But due to its total and provable transparency, the public will scrutinize a witnessable app defying user expectations.
Witnessable Application: The users of a witnessable app can verify every aspect of it. They can review the source code and verify the built application executable, they can verify the correct encryption of data, and how it is stored. Futhermore, they can see what data the application shares with thrid-party services and verify the correctness of the application's computations.
Does Every App have to be Witnessable?
No, applications that do not contain or process important information most likely do not have to be witnessable and, consequently, safe to use. Examples are personal websites, marketing websites, and companies’ apps, games, or utility applications like calculators or drawing tools. Basically, everything that probably will not handle any personal information and does not provide an ‘important’ service.
Conversely, applications that process personal information or data critical to a user should be witnessable. Banking and payment applications, apps that work with a user’s medical data, dating apps, social media, data storage apps, and operating systems fall into this category. They hold a user’s valuable information, which they do not want to lose or leak to others. Also, the integrity and the correct processing of the data a user entrusts them has to be guaranteed. Trust in the word of others does not suffice anymore in a digital world where invalid or corrupt data might be catastrophic.
As everyday users become increasingly aware of the risks in the digital world, they will demand more safety from the applications and devices they rely on. Companies and governments must adapt their IT strategies to comply with this demand. They are already in the process of strengthening their IT security due to imminent dangers. But they mostly do not directly improve their users’ security through provable transparency.
New System and Project Architectures
Witnessable Apps require a change in the way most business applications are structured. Today, end-user applications are typically closed-source. In the case of web applications, they are most likely hosted with some cloud services provider like AWS or Azure. While stored data is hopefully encrypted, the encryption keys are held in the cloud provider’s key management system like AWS KMS or by the operating company.
End-users cannot view the source code, do not know how an application is operated and executed, and cannot directly access their data or the information the system collected about them. This makes such systems reasonably dangerous to use, even if the operating company or institution is respected or promises to be one of the ‘good guys’.
For a system to be trustworthy, the source code must be published open source3, at least the code corresponding to a released version of the application. This is, from a technical point of view, easy to accomplish. However, legal questions and the fear of losing the competitive edge might arise if a company’s precious source code is available to everybody.
Verifiable code executions and data storage require drastic architectural changes to applications. Input and output values that change the global state of an app must be stored publicly and immutable, so every user can trace the changes. If data must be encrypted, it should be in a way that the corresponding user can decrypt it while other users and third parties cannot.4 At the same time, the integrity of all data, historical, encrypted, from various users, etc., must be guaranteed.
Running microservices on traditional cloud infrastructure may not suffice anymore. Current dApps adhere to those rules by leveraging programmable, public blockchains, and advanced cryptographic schemes. They often minimize the amount of information needed for operations and give users control and ownership of data and, to some extent, code.
Traditional App: Users are represented with a fancy interface, but they do not know how an application works. Does it store users' personal data encrypted? Who are they sharing this data with? Who has access to the data? Does the application have any severe bugs? What is the result of a user's input?
As this kind of visibility is hard to achieve throughout an entire application, splitting it into parts with different levels of transparency might reduce the difficulty. While sensitive parts of, for example, a social media app are processed in public, the work-intensive conversion of images and videos might be handled behind closed doors. Only the core service of an application might be constructed in a witnessable style, while convenience features like search are managed traditionally. This could reduce costs and affect an application’s safety only marginally, possibly a good trade-off.
We will see in the future how these new architectures will evolve.
Community verification
We know from previous chapters that user can only ’trust’ an application they verified themselves. However, reviewing modern, complex applications is a tremendous task, even for the most capable software developers. Unfortunately, the average Joe is not experienced enough and does not have the resources for such a task, especially when using a multitude of diverse applications every day.
The community can help the cause by working together in a trustless way. For example, like peer reviews in the scientific community, multiple skilled software and security engineers should publicly, under community oversight, examine applications.
The proposed decentralized software repository and accompanying services can provide this work for the community. It publishes the source code, application binaries, and diverse peer reviews in a provable way. With these tools, everyday users can decide on the safety of an application and the risks they might take when using them.
If the software is used outside its intended purpose, it might not output correct results, if any at all. For example, it might not execute on an unsupported operating system or creates inaccurate results when used for too complex inputs. ↩︎
This behavior is similar to pure functions in functional programming, assuming the application state is also an input and output value. ↩︎
The code just has to be publicly viewable. It does not have to have an open-source license which might allow others to re-use or modify the code. However, licensed or not, this cannot and honestly should not be prevented. ↩︎
Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Homomorphic Encryption are exciting technologies that can help keeping users’ personal information safe by not exposing it. ↩︎