From the Source
The dRepo promotes the usage of witnessable apps. Among others, they require that an application is open-source. Consequently, anyone can read an app’s code and all its dependencies. Knowing exactly how an application works, users can leverage edge cases or otherwise hidden information to their advantage. More importantly, they can now change the source code of an application in any way they want.1
Anyone can fork such an application, change its behavior, remove annoyances, and add new features. Within the open-source world, such modifications are very welcome, especially if they are contributed to the upstream project eventually. In contrast, commercial applications like Twitter and Instagram generate revenue from ads and paid features. Forks without those ads or paywalls would jeopardize the livelihood of these developers. However, this type of economy is currently not sustainable and will probably collapse in favor of more modern schemes in the future.
With little human intervention, automatic merges and modern CI systems allow forks to instantly adopt upstream changes and publish modified applications. People will opt to use a version of an application that fits their needs. This means the original developers will lose any control over their applications if they want them to be witnessable and run on a user’s device.2
Looking at current web applications, users are already partially in control. The code of web frontends, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, has always been somewhat human-readable. In addition, ad blockers and other modification schemes enable users to adapt websites automatically and on-the-fly to their needs. Removing ads, changing color schemes, adding convenience features, and removing user tracking software are just a few examples.
If such a frontend were published as a witnessable app in the dRepo, these automatic tools could be given superpowers. An accompanying SBOM discloses all software components of an application in a concise and processable document. A user can quickly identify unwanted application parts by combining this data with the information propagated by the dRepo on each software library. Instead of downloading a tracking library, a user’s browser could automatically switch out the implementation with a dummy library, which does not break the application but does not execute any tracking code. In the same way, an older component, which contains security issues, could be upgraded on-the-fly in the browser.
User Modification: Apart from forking, when downloading a modular web interface, the user's browser can analyze the SBOM linked in the dRepo to receive a list of all components. It is configured to remove any tracking modules, so it replaces the tracking library in the SBOM with a dummy implementation. Furthermore, it switches another library to a more advanced alternative compatible with the requested lib. The application is assembled in the user's browser with fitting, filtered components. It uses the same backend as the original app. However, it is adapted to the user's preferences.
Current web apps and others are often compiled into a single binary or fewer compressed files. The code within these is usually optimized. Web applications often tune their distribution files to be as small as possible to reduce latency from downloading large files. This makes changing software on a user’s device very difficult. If developers instead choose to distribute their applications in an open, modular form, users not only gain more access to the application, but both users and developers can leverage the previously discussed network effects of the dRepo distribution.
Rather than compiling all code into a single binary, dependencies could be left as is and be consumed using dynamic linking.3 For most applications, the performance gain from tree shaking and other optimizations is minimal if all code resources are already available on a machine.
The SBOM of a desired application lists all the dependencies needed for its execution. The user, more likely the browser or a package manager, would download all dependencies using the dRepo. Some of these libraries might already be present, as other applications could have also demanded them. Consequently, the amount of additional data to be obtained might be minimal.
Modular Download: When opening a new app, the user's browser compares the components requested in the SBOM to the local cache. The cache contains modules already downloaded as part of other applications. Subsequently, the browser must only download the missing few components unique to the new application.
In such a scenario, developers of an application would only have to distribute their own software components while all dependencies could be sourced from somewhere else. Likewise, said app users only have to obtain these application-specific components as everything else might already exist on a user’s device. This scheme reduces the infrastructure developers have to provide especially when users share the downloaded components. The users are consequently in control over all dependencies and can change and switch them out as they please.
We ignore licensing issues, which prohibit changing and distributing the code, simply because nobody can truly prevent that. ↩︎
This is essentially the case today. Any code running on a user’s device is out of the developer’s reach. Users can modify it, and the developer can do nothing about it. ↩︎
You most likely know the term ‘dynamic linking’ from C programs. Instead of compiling the code of a library into an executable, the library is loaded at runtime and has to be present on the system beforehand. ↩︎